Project Portfolio

YAY VR - Streetbeat

PlatformUnity, VR

RoleSole Unity Developer

Directional target hitting rhythm game set within a high quality city environment.

Developed specifically for self-service cubes positioned in malls.

YAY VR - Crazy Carnival

PlatformUnity, VR

RoleSole Unity Developer

4 Unique mini games set within a high quality forest environment. Inspired by real-life carnival games.

Developed specifically for self-service cubes positioned in malls.

YAY VR - Dance Off

PlatformUnity, VR

Role: Sole Unity Developer

Target punching rhythm game set within a retro mall environment.

Developed specifically for self-service cubes positioned in malls.

YAY VR - Home App

PlatformUnity, VR

Role: Sole Unity Developer

How-to-play & vr video wall presentation for the chosen game set within a hangar

YAY VR - Overlay App

PlatformUnity, VR

Role: Sole Unity Developer

App to run in foreground to show general info such as game time left and custom warnings if to far off from game play area ( default warnings was not appropriate for the self-service cubes with very restricted play area )

Solid Visions - Dragon Overseer

Platform: Android, Google Play

Role: Developer, Designer, 2D/3D Artist, Producer

Advanced multiplayer role playing game released on Android, 

  • TCP Network programming
  • Server thread & connection pool managing
  • Multi-thread programming
  • Custom 2D Canvas Engine
  • Custom particle engine
  • Database Management & SQL Programming
  • Extensive performance optimization
  • Power consumption optimization
  • Unreliable mobile connectivity precautions
  • Server scale-ability & efficiency
  • Custom Server-Client communication security with dynamic keys
  • Memory alteration security
  • SQL Injection Prevention
  • Procedural hexagonal world generation
  • Active multiplayer battles
  • Complex battle mechanics with simultaneous events handling

ATG - Travorama

Platform: Android & Engine libGDX

Role: Android Developer

Game developed for ATG events, Touch-based android game, 5 clients/players with player events affecting opponent on either left or right, live player progress gui in each client.

SEB - Touch Portal

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

RoleSenior Sole Android Developer

Application for showcasing different types of content, quiz, video, website in the form of clickable modules. Completely customizable for the end user, functionality to create new/modify old modules and choose order in which they are presented

ATG - Travhjälpen

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

Role: Senior Sole Android Developer

End customer guide spelarguiden for learning how to bet on horses in horses, and Travhjälpen a walkthrough of both the tracks and everything around trotting - Service Portal

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

RoleSenior Android Developer

Patient service booker for treatments and vaccinations and staff functionality for handling orders

Kongahälla  - Interactive Mall/Shop-map

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

Role: Senior Sole Android Developer

Interactive mall guide for visitors running on 4 different screens across the floors of Kongahälla Mall in Kungälv. Listing available shops, showing info and location on a map over the different mall floors.

JTI - Brands & Product Portfolio

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

Role: Sole Android Developer

Brands and Product portfolio for tobacco & snuff , Marlboro, Petteröes, Shiro, Kapten L&M

Gustavsberg - Event Quiz

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

Role: Sole Android Developer

Competition app for marketing purposes in the form of a quiz on an Elo Device during an event.

Save a Coordinate - PoC Google Maps

Platform: Android

Role: Senior Sole Android Developer

Proof of Concept app that customer planned to present to investors, Google Maps app showing certain locations as points of interest with cards showing images/info and a drop-down search

Aritco - Product Portfolio

Platform: Android, Elo Touch Solutions

Role: Sole Android Developer

Interactive Event marketing & customer lead app showcasing the elevators types for different purposes and possible customizations

Lyko - Lucky Wheel

Platform: Android

RoleSenior Sole Android Developer

Marketing app for event, prize wheel game using database to adjust win rate for limited prizes


Interested in working together?

Feel free to ask me for price estimates for smaller projects

or recruitment for a longer duration.